Saturday, August 29, 2009

I am babysitting

my nephews, Captain O and his slightly less kinetic older brother Mr. "how 'bout no?". So far so good, as things have been fairly calm and well adjusted. I actually can be trusted with small children. (Just not teens with potentially terminal cases of shit'headedness.) All has been well. Going well since I figured out that Cpt. O has the same operating instructions as "Gizmo" from Gremlins, that is. Don't feed him after midnight and whatever you do, DO NOT get him wet. Holy Crap, I seriously had to put that kid in a baby full-nelson during bath time just to keep him from killing himself or his older, bigger brother. As soon as his little Tasmanian feet hit the water he got this eerie wide grin- then his eyes rolled back in his head, he flung his arms in the air "Home Alone" style and body checked Mr. "how 'bout no?". Haven't ever heard him cry out "bright light, bright light!!!", but he is a pale shade of tow-head, so I'm guessing it's a given. But BEWARE if he starts asking for "eggs! da! Da!", (illusory angelic head bobbing an affirmative up and down), "Eggs!" late at night. Nothing good will come of it.
Unfortunately, Auntie Kay-Kay is selfishly dreaming (when I do sleep) about how she could hop that boy up on Mountain Dew and cocoa-crispies during the witching hour and unleash him on his less well behaved teen girl cousin, the aforementioned "Princess Queen of the Universe". THAT GIRL, whose ancient Indian name appears to be "comes and goes as she damn well pleases", has made me NUTS cruising in at 0230AM, waking all sweet slumbering boys, or just not coming home at all. Which if you hadn't noticed is NOT particularly restful for momma, and makes momma generally more cranky than usual. At least with her. But, as she has so aptly pointed out, what am I going to do about it??? It's a good question. She should be careful. I might get creative. All I can say is it is a good thing I am absolutely infatuated with Mr. "how 'bout no?" and his goober nosed brother, or I'd just wind 'em up and turn 'em loose on her.

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